Though the lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers slim bsc sunaina, siddhi mandrekar do no work at all online or spend any money online, powerful officials in CBI, R&AW, NTRO are defending the great powers that these sex bribe givers have got on a platter for offering sex bribes , saying that they have white money,
When these lazy greedy goan fraud women do not want to any work at all, where will they get money from. When these powerful fraud officials cannot find any proof at all, to support the fake black money allegations that they are making against the obc engineer, why are they not willing to admit the fact that the obc engineer also has white money.
However though the obc engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holder only has white money in Goa, the powerful fraud officials are denying her the information and opportunities she deserved, because they are jealous of her, are bribed to harass, defame her, and she does not offer them sex bribes like the goan sex bribe givers sunaina, siddhi mandrekar .
So it is time that officials stop making false black/white money allegations in Goa and honestly admit that sex bribes and corporate goals allegedly of Google, tata are their main motivation for promoting lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers sunaina, siddhi mandrekar
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