To defame and deny opportunities to india’s largest female domain investor, a obc single woman engineer, the shameless pathological liar google, tata, ntro officials are falsely claiming that her investment, resume belong to the lazy greedy mediocre INEXPERIENCED goan SEX WORKER RAW employeees slim goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina chodnekar who has SEX WITH TOP OFFICIALS, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar and other fraud indian intelligence employees saying that these frauds have a balanced life.
However it can be proved that these google, tata sponsored fraud intelligence employees also have an extremely unbalanced life, only enjoying themselves, looking after their families, house, cheating and recreational sex , they do not do any honest work. Just because a single woman has saved money for her old age, the cruel shameless fraud security agency officials, bribed by google, tata are making up fake stories, these cruel cowardly indian government employees will never have the courage or honesty to face the engineer
An open question to google, tata other than endless recreational sex with powerful indian government employees and other men , what is the great achievement of the goan sex worker R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi, how is their life very balanced? Where is the work life balance in their life, when there is no work only recreational sex , can the google officials explain ?
Why are officials duping the mutual funds that the google, tata sponsored SEX WORKER RAW employees are leading a balanced life, when they are extremely unbalanced only having sex with powerful officials and do no work online
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