Domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel refuses to purchase stockinvestingstrategies

For more than 6 years the shameless mentally unsound pathological liar google, tata, ntro officials led by the fraud puneet have been falsely claiming that 8-10 fraud women including the gujju patel domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel, who have never invested a single penny on domain names, own the domain names of a single woman obc engineer, to get all these fraud indian intelligence employees a monthly salary wasting tax payer money.
The domain Stock Investing Strategies was one of the domains which this powerful gang of frauds falsely claimed that the gujju fraud stock broker asmita patel owned. However like all the 8-10 google, tata sponsored fraud intelligence employees, the gujju fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel was least interested in paying the market price of the domain name , only relied on the pathological liar tata, ntro, google officials to make fake claims about domain ownership so that she would get a monthly salary from R&AW.
After 6 years, none of the google, tata sponsored fraud intelligence employees like slim jeans clad goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodnekar, asmita patel, are interested in purchasing the domain names, paying the market price, so will the pathological liar tata, google, ntro officials finally end their great paypal, domain fraud in 2016

State sponsored financial fraud on female indian domain investors

Google, tata have bribed the top indian intelligence and security agency officials, especially NTRO to commit a massive financial fraud on female indian domain investors especially if they are single, not brahmin and not SEX partners of top indian government employees.
The fraud security agency officials are bribed to label all indian domain investors, especially women who are not well connected as a security threat without any legally valid proof, to defame, cheat, exploit and torture them, steal their retirement savings, for more than 6 years wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in the process.
Then these fraud indian intelligence and security agency officials will falsely claim that lazy greedy mediocre fraud women, their goan sex partners, cheater housewives, blackmailers and other frauds, who do not spend any money on domain names or do any work online, are domain investors to waste indian tax payer money getting them lucrative R&AW/CBI/intelligence jobs with monthly salary.

When these google, tata sponsored frauds are not spending any money on domain names or doing any work online, why is the indian government falsely claiming that their fraud employees are domain investors, internet experts, exploiting and defaming the real domain investor in the process.

Google bribe to R&AW officials to falsely claim that indore housewife is a Paypal account holder

In an indication of how R&AW officials are controlled by google, tata and will shamelessly repeat lies if their masters in google, tata tell them to, R&AW is falsely claiming that the lazy mediocre indore housewife veena, who does no work online, is a paypal account holder to pay her a monthly salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder.
Google led by the iit kharagpur educated sundar pichai is ruthless in destroying competition, especially link sellers, indulging in a major online fraud, bribing fraud officials like puneet, j srinivasan, vijay to steal the resume of their btech 1993 EE classmate, a link seller for mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced fraud sex workers, housewives and other frauds.
The fact that top R&AW officials allegedly bribed by google, tata are making FAKE claims can be easily proved by monitoring the activities of the fraud R&AW employee veena or verifying the PAN number of the R&AW employee veena and the paypal account which she falsely claims to own
R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials were ruthless in defaming the real paypal account holder without any proof, yet they refuse to take any action against google, tata sponsored fraud intelligence employees like veena who are involved in Paypal, domain fraud

How obc insurance purchasers are exploited

Just because a obc single woman engineer has purchased an insurance related domain name, intelligence and security agencies will steal her prudential icici insurance policy and falsely claim that the insurance policy was purchased by CBI/R&AW employees goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, or goan obc bhandari sex specialist slim sunaina who has sex with top google, tata, ntro officials, when none of these lazy fraud women CBI/R&AW employees are spending a single paisa on the insurance policy or domain names.
The shameless cunning top mainly brahmin officials think that cheating, exploiting, defaming hardworking honest obc professionals is their birthright.
Why did the shameless lazy greedy goan gsb fraud extortionist housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak not purchase her own insurance policy why is she falsely claiming that the stolen prudential icici policy belongs to her, when the name of the name of the goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi is not on the stolen insurance policy documents.
A person who keeps stolen documents is a thief according to IPC, yet cbi is pampering and paying a monthly salary to a known thief riddhi who is falsely claiming to own a stolen Prudential Icici policy

just because the shameless goan gsb fraud mafia caro, nayak, mandrekar, google, tata officials promoting goan gsb fraud are defaming the harmless obc domain investor without proof, out of hatred and greed, why is prudential icici allegedly giving so many privileges to goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi who is not faking her btech 1993 EE degree also shamelessly and fraudulently claiming to own a stolen prudential icici policy.

Why are top intelligence and security agency officials falsely claiming that the goan obc bhandari sex specialist R&AW employee sunaina,who does not spend any money, owns the insurance policy of a single woman obc engineer, to get great powers and a monthly salary. Why does the goan sex specialist R&AW employee sunaina not purchase her own insurance policies with her name, why does she offer SEX BRIBES to powerful fraud google,tata, NTRO officials to stalk, sexually harass a single woman obc engineer and then falsely claim that their goan obc bhandari SEX partner, owns the insurance policies of a single woman obc engineer

why are intelligence and security agency officials so vicious in defaming, exploiting and cheating a harmless single woman obc engineer and falsely claiming that their lazy fraud sex partners, cheater housewives are associated with her,have her resume, own her assets, investments

Officials involved in financial fraud in goa ruthless in defaming obc single woman engineer

Some extremely powerful officials in goa, caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh, were allegedly promised by google, tata that their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives and friends goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, obc bhandari fraud sunaina, would become extremely rich overnight, if these officials helped in getting the harmless obc engineer, domain investor declared mentally unsound or caused a major illness like a stroke.

So the goan gsb fraud mafia, pritesh and others have been ruthless in defaming the obc single woman engineer falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari sex worker R&AW employee sunaina, goan gsb frauds riddhi, siddhi mandrekar, gujju housewife naina,mother of two sons, asmita patel,indore housewife veena and other frauds are working online, when in reality none of these google,tata sponsored frauds are doing any work online or have invested any money online on domain names .

It clearly indicated the complete lack of personal and professional integrity of the intelligence, security agency officials in goa, just because they want to steal the hard earned money of a single woman engineer, they are viciously defaming her without proof as an uneducated idle person, making up malicious stories, denying her the opportunities she deserved, wasting a huge amount of tax payer money in the process. More details of financial fraud of government officials

An open question to the goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, nayak, mandrekar, obc frauds pritesh, and all the fraud officials in goa why did the goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, obc slut sunaina not answer JEE, get a real btech degree, work for twenty years to earn and save money, why do the lazy greedy google,tata sponsored goan gsb , obc bhandari frauds have to offer SEX bribes, seduce powerful fraud NTRO, R&AW, CBI officials to get FAKE REFERENCES of a btech 1993 EE degree, investment.

Fraud R&AW/CBI/intelligence employees falsely claim to spend money on domain names

Though the incompetent, unprofessional cbi, ntro, raw, google, tata officials continue to allegedly dupe people that 8-10 sex worker, housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI/intelligence employees who have never spent a single penny on domain names are domain investors to get them a monthly salary of $300 each, cbi,ntro, raw are actually involved in a major financial fraud.

None of these google, tata, cbi sponsored intelligence employees have invested a single penny in domain names and are least interested in doing so, which can be easily proved ,yet the shameless fraud cbi, ntro, raw, google , tata officials continue to repeat their lies like programmed parrots or robots.

The fact that none of these shameless google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees are not spending any money online on domain names, webhosting, can be easily proved checking the financial records of these government employees, however in an indication of a major cbi financial fraud, no attempt has been made to investigate these fraud cbi/raw/intelligence employees and their mentors, relatives and friends and end the wastage of tax payer money.

How a young woman can become rich and powerful quickly

How a lazy mediocre young woman can become rich and powerful quickly doing little work and enjoying herself

Like young men, many young women want to become rich in their youth, or at least have plenty of money. For most jobs, entry level salaries are low for young women with an average academic record. If the young woman is a good sports person excelling in tennis, badminton or simmilar sport, there is money to be made. A good looking young woman can make some money as a model, actress, exhibition host. A good singer or person with similar skills can also make money as an entertainer. Like all professions there is a lot of hard work involved in being successful in these professions – spending long hours, having less free time.

However there is one way which is not widely discussed a mediocre lazy young woman can become extremely powerful and rich overnight – seducing or become the girlfriend or mistress of an extremely powerful government official, in intelligence and security agencies, especially in India. While other government officials can be questioned for making fake claims, in 2016, the indian government blindly believes the completely fake claims of powerful government officials in intelligence agencies like NTRO, R&AW, CBI regarding the resume, investment of their girlfriends and relatives. The person who is adversely affected by the fraud of indian intelligence agency officials finds it extremely difficult to get any kind of justice.

The inexperienced goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi who commited corporate espionage and has extremely powerful boyfriends, lovers and relatives in indian intelligence and security agencies, is one lazy mediocre young woman who has become extremely powerful and rich because of her powerful lovers who are falsely claiming that she is a domain investor and paypal account holder to get her a lucrative job allegedly in R&AW with fake resume, investment of the harmless single woman siddhi committed corporate espionage on. The victim of siddhi’s fraud can do almost nothing to end the fraud of powerful officials in India

In reality the goan R&AW employee siddhi has never invested a single penny in domain names and never had a Paypal account, yet her powerful lovers,boyfriends in intelligence and security agencies are so powerful that their complete lies are never questioned and siddhi enjoys great powers. In 2013 siddhi had no professional experience, in 2016 because of her powerful lovers who falsely claim that siddhi, 2012 diploma holder was their btech 1993 EE classmate to get her a senior R&AW job , siddhi has become extremely wealthy, going on multiple holidays, eating out at posh restaurants, purchasing a car as she can abuse her great powers as an intelligence agency employee to run a major extortion/bribery racket.

Like siddhi, goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina has very powerful boyfriends, lovers and relatives in indian intelligence and security agencies, is another lazy mediocre young goan woman who has become extremely powerful and rich because of her powerful boyfriends, lovers, relatives in NTRO and other indian government agencies who are falsely claiming that she is a domain, mutual fund investor, ebay and paypal account holder to get her a lucrative job allegedly in R&AW with fake resume, investment.

In reality, like siddhi, the goan R&AW employee sunaina has never invested a single penny in domain names, mutual funds and never had a Paypal or Ebay account, yet her powerful lovers,boyfriends in indian intelligence and security agencies like are so powerful that their complete lies are never questioned and sunaina enjoys great powers and is getting a monthly salary despite doing no work online at all. In 2013 the lazy sunaina had just completed college and had no professional experience or investment, in 2016 because of her powerful lovers who falsely claim that slim sunaina, 2013 bsc was their btech 1993 EE classmate to get her a senior R&AW job ,sunaina has become extremely wealthy. Her rapidly expanding wardrobe is proof of her great wealth.

So instead of working very hard for years , a quick and easy way for a mediocre inexperienced lazy young woman to become extremely rich overnight doing no work, is to seduce a powerful intelligence or security agency official so that he is infatuated with her, and abuses his great powers to make his girlfriend wealthy and powerful overnight.

Review of homes, residential properties

Builders, property developers, real estate agents and brokers interested in low cost advertising for their residential properties, homes at Home Evaluation Services can send the details of their property, homes, finance, home loan options, to or
For a one time fee of $3 or Rs 199 , a 500 word review will be provided on the website with a link to the property or related website. Payment details provided on request.

Money and women, state sponsored financial frauds

Persecution of wealthy individuals, women
In an indication of how poorly india is government security and intelligence agencies are allowed to make completely fake allegations without any proof at all to steal retirement savings of harmless hardworking innocent citizens without a court order or legally valid reason, falsely claiming national security.
These powerful fraud officials who cannot be identified or held accountable have duplicate keys which allow them to enter the house of any person when the house is empty and steal any kind of documents for impersonation frauds and identity theft.
The mainstream media in India refuses to acknowledge that the problem exists and the harmless citizen who finds his or her hard earned money inaccessible faces a lot of hardship as these powerful government employees abuse their powers for personal gain, to exploit harmless citizens, especially single women.
A look at the attitude of people, the government, towards money and women at Money Discussions , why indian intelligence and security agency employees think that a woman engineer, domain investor does not have the right to her hard earned money,
At present the shameless intelligence and security agency officials, allegedly bribed by google, tata are falsely claiming verbally that the hard earned money of an experienced single woman engineer who has worked for twenty years, belong to the lazy greedy inexperienced fraud R&AW/CBI/government employees goan sex specialist slim jeans clad obc bhandari sunaina who has sex with top tata, google, government officials, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, veena, naina, ruchika and others to get these frauds a monthly salary wasting tax payer money, when the PAN number of these fraud government employees does not match.

Problems faced by wealthy individuals

The indian internet sector should be avoided by honest hardworking people to the extent possible, because the top officials in the indian internet sector are some of the greatest frauds in the world. These officials are also the most shameless liars and cheaters, with zero self respect, making completely fake allegations without any proof at all against harmless innocent hardworking individuals, especially domain investors and Paypal account holders.
The security and intelligence agencies will also steal the retirement savings of domain investors without a court order or legally valid reason and then cunningly, falsely claim that the stolen money belongs to their lazy greedy inexperienced cheater friends and relatives, to get all these frauds government jobs with fake resumes, investment. More details of the problems faced by wealthy individuals at Money Galore, the endless financial frauds of indian intelligence and security agencies.