Though R&AW,CBI, NTRO officials are extremely powerful, they are involved in a major financial fraud on a single woman obc engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holder. These powerful officials are falsely claiming that 8-9 lazy greedy fraud women, their friends and relatives own the domain names and Paypal account of the obc single woman engineer to allegedly get them lucrative R&AW jobs, though these women do not spend any money on the domain names, other expenses, do any work online or control the Paypal account which they falsely claim to own.
These shameless lazy greedy cheater women do not want to take the risk of investing their money or doing any work online, yet rely on the powerful shameless dishonest R&AW,CBI, NTRO officials, their friends and relatives to make completely fake claims to dupe companies in India and abroad. The lies of these shameless R&AW,CBI, NTRO officials can be easily proved by verifying the Pan number linked to the Paypal account, yet the R&AW,CBI, NTRO officials lack patriotism, personal and professional integrity to do the morally right thing.
It is not easy to make money online as there is a lot of competition, however it is easy for the shameless liar R&AW,CBI, NTRO, tata, google, officials to abuse their great powers and falsely claim that their friends and relatives own the domain names, Paypal account of the obc single woman engineer.
When the fraud goan sex bribe givers, housewives and cheaters are not paying any expenses or doing any work online at all, on what legal basis are the shameless fraud liar tata, google, R&AW,CBI, NTRO officials making fake claims that these women own the domain names including , , websites and paypal account. When these frauds are doing housework, enjoying themselves or working in a job elsewhere,getting a salary, why connect these frauds to the obc single woman domain investor, Paypal account holder.
Anyone including these R&AW,CBI, NTRO officials can boast tomorrow that they or their girlfriends, relatives own the most expensive domain names like,,, will any domain investor and the indian government believe these lies. No domain investor will believe these lies as they will do a whois check, however it appears that the indian government will blindly believe the lies of the NTRO officials and waste indiantax payer on the well connected domain fraudsters paying them a salary and pension for the rest of their lives.
Will the great Paypal fraud in Goa, Bengaluru and elsewhere end in 2016?
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