Radiation misused to cause insomnia daily

Google,tata are ruthless in harassing, destroying the life of india’s largest female domain investor, in the last few days they are not even allowing her to sleep at night, using the most hitech technologies available,

For nearly one week , they are using radiation waves to disturb her sleep at around 4 am intentionally though she may have slept late the previous night, doing some work. These ntro, security and other officials are clearly abusing their discretionary powers to wake her at night, so that she does not get enough sleep that she requires after a very busy day due to various problems

At times the radiation levels are so high, that it causes pain, memory loss, disorientation and forces the domain investor to leave the room. Can the indian government explain why so much tax payer money and resources are wasted to ruin the health of a google competitor who is impersonated by 10 google, tata sponsored goan call girl, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees

Why does google not use more ethical and legal methods to increase profit, why bribe government officials to stalk and torture her forcing her to relocate, change homes repeatedly . It remains difficult to find a zealous advocate to take up the case against google, tata , ntro, indian government for resume theft.

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Government officials mercilessly stalk, harass their engineering classmate

To enjoy life time free sex, career promotion powerful ntro officials led by puneet, j srinivasan and others mercilessly stalk, defame, harass, torture, their harmless btech 1993 ee classmate, a harmless single woman engineer, whose impressive resume they have stolen for 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds to get all the frauds lucrative indian intelligence jobs, forcing her to relocate repeatedly. These officials are merciless in diverting and stealing her correspondence so that the only visitors she is having are birds, squirrels, wasps and bees, puneet is diverting all her correspondence to his favorite goan call girl R&AW employee diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, falsely claiming to help , when actually he is doing everything possible to isolate his classmate whose life he has destroyed making it almost imposssible to get any kind of work including writing and content jobs