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Cruel criminal officials attack harmless shoppers in panaji, goa with microwave weapons
Microwave radiation weapons are extremely powerful and dangerous, the pain is far more than that caused by slapping. However in panaji, goa especially market area, some cruel criminal mentally unsound security, ntro officials have been given control of these weapons and they are ruthless in attacking harmless indian citizens shopping , causing microwave burns and great pain, making it difficult to do any work, sleep, affecting the health .
These cruel criminal corrupt government employees are getting a good salary from the government, yet they are freelancing for large corporates like the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, tata and misusing the expensive weapons to attack harmless civilians as ordered by these corporates to destroy competition, murder them causing cancer, after repeated microwave attacks.
The latest major criminal attack of these cruel officials on a harmless domain investor took place on 13 october 2016 at around 5 pm in the panaji market area while she was shopping. Any information on the name, designation, salary, address of the official who initiated the cruel criminal attack will be greatly appreciated and rewarded. Please send details to . Lawyers who can help the victim get justice can also contact.
Google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees should legally purchase websites/domain names
Till october 2016, the indian government has not privatized domain registration, renewals or website development, however google, tata are allegedly bribing senior ntro, cbi officials to shamelessly abuse their discretionary powers and falsely claim that google, tata sponsored fraud goan sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and other frauds own the domain names, websites of a harmless obc single woman engineer, domain investor to get all these frauds lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary of $300 each.
None of these google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence agency employees like blackmailer ruchika, goan sex expert raw employees sunaina chodnekar, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives riddhi, nayanshree, naina, veena, asmita patel, deepika have invested a single penny in domain names or websites and are least interested in doing so in future also. However though the fraud ntro officials are getting a monthly salary, they are refusing to pay the market price of websites and legally buy websites, domain names for their lazy fraud friends, sex partners and relatives
Instead for more than 6 years, these fraud shameless ntro, google, tata officials led by j srinivasan, puneet, vijay continue to falsely claim that fraud indian intelligence employees , who do not spend any money online own websites (including this one) to waste indian tax payer money on these frauds, and deny the real domain investor, a google competitor the opportunities she deserved
Comparing real estate and domain investing
Harassment by NTRO official compared to online investing
Offline real estate agents and investors make a lot of money because they spend a lot of time researching property, land, homes for sale. Online domain investors also spend a lot of time and money researching the domain parameters, before deciding to register a particular domain name. However when these domain names are used for making some money, the selfish greedy dishonest ntro, google, tata officials make completely fake allegations without any proof at all to defame, cheat, exploit and torture the harmless domain investor and then falsely claim that the domain name belongs to the goan sex workers sleeping with these officials, cheater friends and relatives of these officials to get them lucrative government jobs with fake resume, fake investment, FAKE WORK
All the 8-10 lazy greedy fraud google, tata sponsored R&AW.CBI, indian intelligence agency employees were getting their salary GIFTED by google, tata for more than 1 year ,why did these frauds not register domain names in october 2015 onwards, investing their own money why are NTRO, R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence officials falsely claiming GOAN SEX WORKERS, cheater housewives and other fraud indian intelligence employees own the domains, websites of a private citizen
Goan gsb fraud mafia’s black money parked in gold
The goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak are ruthless in defaming without proof, harmless paypal account holders making money online, making fake allegations of black money without any proof at all, however few are aware of the fact that these officials are extorting a lot of black money. The black money is then directly used for purchasing gold , which is then given to their female relatives at the time of marriage or similar functions .
Unlike the harmless paypal account holders whose financial records are extremely clear, with almost no provision for tax evasion, the black money of these government employees is never recorded in the system , allowing to enjoy for years and continue their extortion racket.
Lady Judge with Rs 94 lakh cash
The media reported that a lady judge in delhi was caught taking a bribe and had rs 94 lakh cash. To accumulate so much cash, the judge must have been taking cash bribes for many years from different lawyers, however in an indication of the incompetence of indian intelligence and security agencies that no action was taken for more than a decade.
On the hand the corrupt indian intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in defaming, hounding, stalking and torturing harmless paypal account holders who have no source of cash, other than what they withdraw from the bank for personal expenses, wasting tax payer money, only because these officials have been bribed by google, tata to do so.
It clearly indicates the misplaced priorities of the cbi, intelligence, security agency officials wasting time to stalk and torture a person who has almost no cash, making completely fake allegations of black money for more than 6 years, only becasue large companies have bribed them to do so while those who actually have cash, black money are allowed to roam freely and have all the privacy they require.
Comparing expenses of teaching and working online
In a clear indication of the rampant exploitation of paypal account holder, foreign exchange earners in the indian internet sector, powerful fraud ntro, google, tata officials are falsely claiming that various well connected women are working online for a paypal account holder to give all these frauds great powers, a monthly salary and deny the real paypal account the opportunities she deserved.
The real paypal account holder is not compensating any of these google, tata sponsored frauds in any way, yet the indian government blindly believes the complete lies of the shameless powerful google, tata, ntro, cbi officials.
Unless it is a family member who has done a lot , no one will even teach a student for free, because time is money, on what basis are the pathological liar google, tata, ntro, security agency officials, especially in goa, falsely claiming various well connected women are working online.
The cost of teaching a student is fairly low , only paper, and some stationery will be required.
On the other hand, a lot of expenses are required to do any kind of work online, a laptop or computer will be required costing at least Rs 10000 and a monthly internet connection cost at least Rs 400 a month.
When all parents do not expect others to teach their young child for free, on what basis are the pathological liar tata, google, ntro officials falsely claiming that various well connected, good looking housewives and other frauds are working for the paypal account holder for free for more than 6 years, when they will have to invest a fairly large amount only to be connected to the internet.
Why does the indian government blindly believe the complete lies of the tata, google, ntro officials who continue falsely claiming that well connected frauds, GOAN SEX EXPERTS are doing work, when the money trail clearly indicates that there is no financial connection at least for the last 4 years between the tata, google sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees and the real paypal account holder
Large companies expect small biz owners to tolerate their financial fraud
In the indian internet and tech sector, large companies allegedly google, tata are extremely unethical and expect small business owners to quietly tolerate their slander and financial fraud. The google, tata officials had in goa repeated their lies for so long that most people were duped and believed that they were telling the truth, when all the stories were completely false.
Even for teaching small children where there are no expenses, people will charge money, for doing any internet related work, investment in laptop, internet charges are to be incurred, why will any one work for a stranger or a person they hate for free
Yet some fraud tata, google officials have been making up completely fake stories that various women are working for a domain investor, Paypal account holder in a cheap attempt to ruin her reputation, deny the domain investor the opportunities she deserved
Stock broker misused wifi network to make fake claims about paypal
Now it is clear that a well connected gujju domain fraudster asmita patel and her associates misused the ntro equipment to hack into a wifi network, hacked into a laptop and make fake claims that she was working online, investing money in domain names and owned the paypal account of a domain investor to get a lucrative R&AW job with a monthly salary, without investing any money.
The google, tata sponsored gujju domain fraudster asmita patel, was only a stock investor, managing her clients portfolios, however she was a great flirt , without any kind of morals or humanity and ruthlessly exploited a harmless single woman obc engineer, domain investor to get great powers, a monthly salary and privileges for herself at the expense of the domain investor, who has got nothing.
More than 3 years after getting the extremely lucrative R&AW job, gujju domain fraudster asmita patel is least interested in paying the market price of the domain names, yet she and her associates are misusing the hidden wifi network of ntro to make fake claims about domain ownership and get a monthly R&AW salary
Domain fraudster R&AW employees asmita patel, nayanshree hathwar, sex worker sunaina chodnekar and others launch criminal attack on domain investor
In a clear indication of the corruption, nepotism and human rights abuses in India in 2016, domain fraudsters like gujju flirt asmita patel, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, slim goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodnekar who has SEX with top officials, goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi and others, who are openly faking their btech 1993 EE degree, resume, domain and other investments are considered to be VVIps and given great powers, R&AW jobs with monthly salary and allowed to waste indian tax payer money to stalk and torture the harmless obc engineer who actually has a btech 1993 EE degree and owns domain names daily.
The latest criminal attack of these google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees and their associates on the harmless domain investor using microwave radiation weapons took place at about 14.10 hours on 21 September 2016
As the domain investor was near the Fire Brigade, at St Inez, Panaji, these criminal ntro officials gave a missed call on her mobile number to track the exact location of the domain investor. The phone call was from NTRO/R&AW officials because the mobile phone was ringing and yet the phone log was not showing any number.. They then greatly increased the radiation levels associated with the mobile phone to cause a very severe headache, causing great pain. It was rainly heavily, so the mobile phone could not be easily switched off .
It was an intentional criminal attack of cruel powerful selfish animal like ntro, government officials on a harmless indian citizen, causing great pain out of hatred or to please their bosses in google, tata . The criminal ntro official who launched the microwave radiation attack only had the area in campal in his control, and has been attacking the domain investor repeatedly using the mobile number to track her location.
Though the domain investor is a harmless citizen trying to earn a living, allegedly bribed by google, tata he has been bribed to criminally attack the domain investor, link seller, google competitor at every opportunity as part of the iit kharagpur gold medalist sundar pichai led google’s plan to destroy competition, murdering them slowly. So the cruel criminal security agency official in campal area has programmed the surveillance system to send a notification to him, whenever the domain investor will enter the area with the mobile phone switched on, so that he can initiate the attack.
The criminal official will then increase the radiation levels greatly to cause microwave burns or headache depending on the orders of his bosses in google, tata, the problem has been noticed repeatedly . The only way to avoid being criminally attacked by the contract killer ntro officials is to keep the mobile phone switched off. Though some people may not be able to contact, the mobile user will also avoid a criminal attack by the cruel animal like contract killer ntro officials in ntro.
The security agency or ntro official is getting a good salary and pension from the indian government, yet he is ruthlessly in misusing expensive ntro equipment FREELANCING FOR GOOGLE, TATA to slowly murder harmless civilians for a certain amount. The indian government should officially publish the rate at which their employees are freelancing as contract killers, murdering harmless indian citizens with microwave weapons
As the indian government refuses to take any action against their employees who are freelancing as contract killers for top corporates, mercilessly torturing harmless indian citizens, every major attack on a harmless domain investor, will be documented in great detail so that people are aware of the great human rights abuses, torture of harmless citizens committed daily giving fake excuses of national security.
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